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>Oak robes

>Started on the fielded panels this morning, I profile these on my spindle moulder using an upright jig and a 12 degree cutter. here’s the set up of the jig..

And the result, a nice traditional fielded panel.

Here’s Luke my apprentice, always a blaze of activity.

The doors need a moulded detail on the rails and stiles, so the door is held in place with folding wedges. Then the detail is routed on, I have got one of those non-slip mats for this procedure, but it always moves when you get dust on it…so its been binned.
I decided on a stopped chamfer, to carry on with the cottage theme. Its a detail I haven’t as yet seen on mass produced furniture, and I really like it.

Which brings me to here, a dry fitted door. There’s still a lot of cleaning up to do before they are glued up, so I will get them done tomorrow.

This is the detail to the reverse of the door.

Quick view out of my workshop, the geese are particularly aggressive this time of the year, and can generally be seen either fighting or mating. In fact they had just been fighting, and making a heck of a noise, which is why I was looking out my doors.
Thats it for today, I need to get the doors completely finished tomorrow, ready for hanging. Thanks for looking.

One Response on “>Oak robes

  1. Alex Comes says:

    >Mark, I use a moving blanket or hefty comforter instead of those no-slip grip pads. I was aggravated with those pads for years till I stumbled across the blanket tip. The moving blanket definitely would've worked great on your doors. Naturally the blanket isn't as snug as wedging it like you did, but it's stable enough to route on.

    Great post and love the shot of the geese–you can tell the one second to the left is the troublemaker… he's got a shifty eye.

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