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>Oak ledged and braced doors

>I’ve been meaning to get these finished for a couple of weeks, but have been tied up on the wardrobe job. These are going to look very traditional, and the oak is stunning. Starting with a pile of machined timber…

 Then apply the ledges and braces

Then nail, I’m using hand-made looking nails for this(that cost a small fortune), and they look great.

All nailed in place.

Two down one to go.

I will get these finished this week with a view to fit the following, thanks for looking.

3 Responses on “>Oak ledged and braced doors

  1. Matt says:

    >Are the boards tapered mate? They look great.

  2. Mark Rhodes says:

    >Yes mate, I've seen some old doors around these parts done the same, I really like the effect, and might do my kitchen doors the same. There is no waste either, except the sap, which I wouldn't use anyway.

  3. Paul-Marcel says:

    >I came back to this posting after seeing the whole room post because I wondered the same about the taper. When I first saw them here, I assumed a camera trick. I love that look; definitely something worth stealing, er, using. Well done. Like the nails, too. Have no idea where I could find that on this side of the pond.

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