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Oak Front Door by Norfolk Furniture Maker Mark Rhodes.

> Oak front door by Norfolk Furniture Maker Mark Rhodes.

The brief was simple…we want a solid Oak front door. Now this might seem simple at first, couple of stiles, bottom rail, top rail, a few panels, easy yes? Well what my clients wanted wasn’t to be your bog standard frame and panel door, oh no what they wanted was a slab door. Now you can’t make a door from one piece, that just isn’t practical (though it would look nice), so I suggested that we made the door from five pieces and glue them together, this makes it a bit more stable for seasonal changes, but not foolproof. I’ll just go ahead and show you the finished door I think.

You will notice that the head and the top of the door are curved, this made the whole door a joy to make (I will forget about lugging it about, though I doubt my back will).
You can see on the back how I have some very slightly raised bearers, how will they hold anything I hear you ask.
The answer is, I used large sliding dovetails.
I’m going to fit tomorrow, so will update with finished pictures then.
Thanks for looking.

One Response on “Oak Front Door by Norfolk Furniture Maker Mark Rhodes.

  1. Anonymous says:

    >I really like that, Mark. The dovetailed bearers are a neat solution that look really good.

    Cheers 😉

    Paul Chapman

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