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Mark Rhodes Furniture & Kitchen Maker & Woodwork Courses - Norfolk

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Oak Front Door Finished.

Oak Front Door, by Norfolk Cabinet maker Mark Rhodes.

As promised, some finished pictures….

The clients were over the moon, and have recommended me to their friends
From the inside, here you can see the large sliding dovetailed bearers that will hold the door flat with  seasonal changes.
A closer view.
This was relatively easy to fit, but the bricks were very soft and made getting the old frame out a long process. All in all it took about 1 1/2 hrs to get the frame out, it had to come out in pieces of about 6″ long, because I didn’t know where the owlets were, and just had to take it steady. The thought of losing one of the face bricks didn’t bare thinking about.  I needed to trim the curved head very slightly, about 2 mm to be precise, in order for the frame to slide in nicely.  I took the door off when fitting the frame, in order just to lift the frame in which is heavy in itself, but the door weighs about 60 kgs.  I got the hinge side of the frame fixed first then cramped the lock side of the frame to the wall, then hung the door.  I then swing the door to the lock side, and make adjustments to the frame, then fix.  This ensures that the door closes to a nice even fit, and the shadow gap is even.
I have a couple of Edwardian inspired alcove units to fit on Monday/Tuesday, so will update with some fitting pics, and some finished shots then. Thanks for looking.

3 Responses on “Oak Front Door Finished.

  1. Jeff Branch says:

    >Very nice. I have been thinking about making an exterior door for my home. Did you have any concerns about water getting in?

  2. Mark Rhodes says:

    >Thanks Jeff, I do have concerns, but its had several coats of finish, and the home owner understands that the finish will need careful attention once a year.

  3. David Scott says:

    >Wow! Nice work.just the right style for that entry.

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