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Makers Marks.

Makers Marks

For a while now I have been asked by quite a few of my clients if I would sign my work, If the work is a free standing piece I normally write or carve my name somewhere discreet. But I gave some thought to a brass Make’s Mark about a month ago, with a view to having someone make me some to my own design. Well today they were delivered, and I’m very happy with the work.

They are made of a brass 2-mm disc and kind of have a distressed feel to them, the font is Hill House and is the distinctive handwriting of Charles Rennie Mackintosh. They were made for me by Makers Marks and I will recommend them to you, if you are a patient person.
Thanks for looking.

6 Responses on “Makers Marks.

  1. Jeff Branch says:

    >Very cool!

  2. Mark Rhodes says:

    >Thanks Jeff, I like them a lot:-)

  3. Howard in Wales says:


    I had some similar makers' labels made by this outfit a few years ago.
    They are quite good, but you're right about being patient. It took forever and a few reminders/chases to get them done.
    I couldn't treat my customers like that.
    Nowadays, I usually paste a paper label inside the piece out of sight, like they always used to do.


  4. Mark Rhodes says:

    >Yes Howard, they are a odd bunch to say the least, lots of chasing and ignored e-mails. I was a bit concerned I wouldn't get them, but he came through in the end and I really like them.

  5. Tim Raleigh says:

    Your mark looks real good. Nice design! On your recommendation, er, warning I contact them for a mark for my stuff.

  6. Mark Rhodes says:

    >Hi Tim, they are nice but expect a long wait, chase them all the time, try to get his phone number in your initial emails.

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