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>Fitting the painted robe.

>Fitting time for the painted wardrobe….I kinder knew it would go OK, as I checked all the walls previously for level, and they were flat but 5mm out. So I didn’t need to scribe much off, opting to just plane to the line.

Started with the base, I cut the carpet up.

Then the underlay.

I then needed to cut a section of skirting away to make room for my base.

The base is then fitted and checked for level, it was running down into the corner 12mm!

This is then packed to a good level.

And then fixed.

I need this to be perfect for the doors to fit into the face frame.

Then its just a case of stacking boxes and fixing discreetly as you go.

Bit like Tetris.

Just need to scribe this end, and glue and fit the face frame.

Fit the doors and drawers.

And its done.

Thanks for looking, have a great weekend.


14 Responses on “>Fitting the painted robe.

  1. Anonymous says:

    >Great job, Mark. Looks really good.

    Cheers 😉

    Paul Chapman

  2. Mark Rhodes says:

    >Thanks Paul, the clients are very happy, and can't wait for me to crack on with the others. The panels for the doors and drawers will be interesting on the next batch, stay tuned…

  3. Alviti says:

    >I've just brought one of those multitools (only the Fein one) for cutting the skirting off for a fitted wardrobe/cupboard I put in the otherday. Great way to do it without damaging the walls but the blades are so expensive!

  4. Mark Rhodes says:

    >They are very handy for sure, but like you say the blades are expensive. I found these ones to be less so, so you don't mind if you wreck one or two.


  5. Mark Rhodes says:

    >Sorry here's the link…


    I've been using this batch on the last five jobs, and wrecked just one that was of course my fault.

  6. Jeff Branch says:

    >Well done. I like the paint/stained knobs. You did a great job of working it into the corner too.

  7. Alex Comes says:

    >Sweet looking as always.

  8. Mark Rhodes says:

    >Cheers guys, wait till you see the next batch..

  9. Alviti says:

    >Cheers for the link Mark, I've just ordered the six pack. I wont be so frightened to use it now(due to the cost)!

  10. Mark Rhodes says:

    >Yes the cost of the blades does make it rather restrictive, so glad I could help.

  11. James says:

    >Mark, the wardrobe looks great and thanks for the blog. I have two questions……How do you attach the faceframes and end panels onsite? and How do you join the individual boxes. I really like your modular system and it would make installing larger pieces much easier. My concern would be the exposed fasteners.

    Thanks for your time,

  12. Mark Rhodes says:

    >Hi James

    I use a domino on tight setting and glue on site for the frames, I sometimes use a kreg pocket hole jig if it doesn't knock up in places that are covered and never seen. I fix the carcases together with screws that are hidden by hinge plates, or perhaps a cloths rail, or in lower units that are below waist height.

  13. James says:

    >Thanks Mark, Maybe time to invest in one of those domino machines. They seem to be really diverse and useful.

    Thanks again for you time,

  14. Mark Rhodes says:

    >I think the Domino is an industry changing power tool, its that good.

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