>A Bit More On the Painted Robe.
- 2011-04-22
- By Mark Rhodes
- Posted in Uncategorized
>Got all the doors shot in and hung today, I used the little L/N 60 1/2 block plane for this, it performed brilliantly as you would expect. I just wish I’d took the plunge years ago.
There was just time to get all the drawer fronts fitted, before my father drags me down the pub for a couple of beers.
I’m going to see how this ash behaves before I machine it all up, I have boards that are 27mm thick which I’m ripping in half with the hope to get the 10 mm drawer stock I need. If not there will be quite a bit of waste, or the drawer stock will be a bit thicker. I personally prefer a drawer with thin sides/back/front, so hope this ash will be OK come Sunday/Monday.
That’s it on the robe for a day or two, thanks for looking, and I hope you are all having a nice Easter.
>"…before my father drags me down the pub for a couple of beers."
Sounds like you have your priorties in order. Nice looking (big) project. Never made anything with ash. Keep us updated!
>Thanks Jeff. Thankfully I got away after two, my father on the other hand looked a bit worse for wear this morning.